Exclusief live event voor pioniers en bewuste ondernemers

Quantum Future

Become part of the new micro-societies of the future

Datum: 28 Augustus 2022 – 10h tot 17h – 10am till 5pm CET (Amsterdam time) 

Where do you want to live during the next lock down and the near future when everything we are used to changes?
Who do you want to collaborate with as the next wave of government restrictions rolls over us?
Which experts & like-minded pioneers do you want to gather around you when there is a scarcity of supply, food and energy?
How do you want to organize your life when import and export problems get bigger and hyperinflation comes?
How do you want to organize education for children as measures in schools increasingly restrict and media encourages virtual life?
In which environment do you want to be if you experience health problems and by whom do you want to be treated?
How do you want to process waste, if oceans are silting up with plastic and the soil quality continues to deteriorate?


Creëer jouw Quantum Future en de communities van de toekomst

Micro-societies zijn nieuwe, zelfvoorzienende eco-villages waarin de meest recente innovatieve technologieën zijn verankerd op het niveau van energie, landbouw, huisvesting, architectuur, gezondheid, onderwijs, samenleving…
Holistisch onderwijs is het hart en de drijvende kracht achter de ontwikkeling van deze micro-societies.

Co-creëer de nieuwe micro-societies en communities van de toekomst en stap in een nieuwe golf van frequenties: golven van vrijheid, overvloed, creativiteit en vervulling